ready to hit social media flow state?

& show up consistently on social without spending hours creating content or scrolling for inspo

Stop waiting for the stars to align

(you know - that magical moment when you energy, inspiration, and time all at once 😏)

Instead - let us extract your genius & take care of the rest

You are tired of losing out on new clients with your spotty, inconsistent, weak sauce social media strategy,

now you're looking for a better way to slay social without it taking a ton of time or costing a fortune.

So you thought about hiring a VA to handle it for you, BUT - that's another person to train & manage and you worried they wouldn't be able to nail your voice or create potent content.

You considered making it part of your weekly schedule, BUT - it's so hard to capture those magical moments when you feel inspired, have energy to create, and the time to create all at once.

You even thought about outsourcing to an agency, BUT - they cost thousands per month per social media channel and you've heard too many horror stories about underdelivering.

What if you could stop love/hating social media and start getting into social media flow state instead?

Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!

truth is, i hated social

When I started out in the online business world, I wanted nothing to do with social media. In fact, I spent nearly two years building my business just through word of mouth referrals.Β 

But, I wanted to keep growing and I never knew where the next client would come from.

so i tried running ads

Suddenly, my face and my message was all over social media. But it felt inauthentic, cringy, AND it was expensive. Occassionally I would feel inspired and write a really great post that would get tons of engagement - but more often than not, I couldn't find the time or didn't know what to say.

then I started coaching

and avoiding social media simply wasn't an option. I knew in my bones that I had to learn to speak my truth and cultivate real, genuine relationships online. So I made it a priority to fall in love with social media -- and I genuinely did. I built my audience from scratch and in my first full year of coaching, I made $240,000 cash -- all from soulmate clients who found me online and signed up for my offers. I didn't do any sales calls, didn't cold DM anyone, and didn't have any fancy sales pages to sell people.

until i burnt out

I couldn't deny the power of social media. But two years into creating content, I started feeling burnt out on it. I'd feel ashamed and guilty if I wasn't posting regularly, but there were plenty of days when I didn't feel like it or didn't have the time to create something that I felt truly represented me & my brand.

I tried having my full-time assistant repurpose my podcast content for social media. She created some great stuff, and plenty of "meh" content as well. I had to spend a lot of time training her, writing up procedures, and creating systems just to have my own words turned into luke warm content.Β 

And then my assistant quit 😩

I knew that was Universe's way of telling me that I had to create a better way.

And all at once - i knew the exact system that would be my social media dream-come-true


The first done-for-you service that leverages your unique genius and turns it into potent content that attracts the attention of and inspires action from your dream clients. Here's how our F.L.O.W. Formulaβ„’ works:


Our team crafts a custom strategy to hit your social media goals


We leverage your unique genius - only adding one half hour task to your list


We organize your genius into bite sized, attention-grabbing content


To win you new clients, new followers, speaking gigs, and peace of mind

Imagine how it would feel to...

Β πŸ‘‰ know that every weekday, a powerful piece of content was being published automatically

Β πŸ‘‰ your words, your brand, and your message were reaching exponentially more new clients

πŸ‘‰ know you could scroll social media guilt-free because you've already posted something great

πŸ‘‰ have the freedom to write great content whenever you felt inspired - with zero pressure - because whatever you create is just the cherry on top of an already performing strategy

πŸ‘‰ have new, dreamy clients engaging with your content & inquiring about working with you

this service is for two kinds of people...

Coaches, consultants, and agency owners who have a love/hate relationship with social. They want peace of mind knowing that they have strong content being posted daily -- and the freedom for their inspired, zingy posts to be the cherry on top. πŸ’

Service based business owners who want to leverage the power of social media to gain the attention of new clients - but they lack the time & expertise to pull it off consistently. A turnkey, outsourced solution that still captures their deep expertise and message is key. πŸ—

frequently asked questions:

What exactly do I get each month?

Our team will create a unique, on-brand post for social media for each business day of the month. We'll have it scheduled to auto-publish to all the social media channels you care about (that support each content type.)

Which social platforms are supported?

Facebook Business pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and Google My Business. We focus on the platform that's most important to your business and then syndicate that content to the other platforms where you have a presence

Can you auto-publish to my Facebook personal page?

Not at this time - the Meta API only allows FB Business Pages to be connected to scheduling apps. However, you're welcome to manually post using the content we created or, if you have a professional account, you can schedule posts to your personal page manually (meaning while you're logged into your account - not via scheduling software)

Will this service work for me if I'm not a coach?

Yes! Many of our clients are agency owners or service based business owners.

My industry is highly technical - how will Flocial create good copy?

We have a propietary method of extracting your genius that mimicks a podcast interview. From there, we use your own words (polished up to make you sound extra eloquent, polished, and professional.)

Which types of social media content can you create?

We can create short form video, carousel posts, long form copy, short form copy, quote cards, and B-roll short form video. The content mix will be uniquely determined based on which channel(s) you care most about and which type of content you like best.

Will I have calls with the Flocial team?

You'll get a quarterly strategy meeting with the team. Otherwise, our method is designed to be turnkey and convenient, without adding calls to your calendar.

How far ahead do you create the content?

We keep you a month ahead on your social media posts.

What if I feel inspired to write something in-the-moment?

We LOVE that and encourage it. You can manually post anytime you feel inspired and you'll simply have two pieces of content shared that day (one that was auto-published by Flocial and one that you manually wrote & published.) We view Flocial like a great, consistent foundation. Your inspired posts get to be the cherry on top.